In a way, I live on an inland is so easy to forget here that technically, we are 'landlocked', 150 miles from an the ocean shore...Lake Champlain is 100 miles long, and you can take your boat, all the way to NYC if you are so inclined. Seagulls picking through cornfields are not an unusual sight, as are Ocean Terns who might hang out in a local swamp. A reminder of our connection to the ocean was found in the late 1800's in nearby Charlotte, VT...a fossilized beluga whale...visitor from another time when salt water flowed through these shores....I walked these shores today for some inspiration...mountain views obscured by heavy grey fog, winter trying its hardest to arrive. Subtle shades of amber, sienna, grey, green and gold mingled with my thoughts. The crisp air brought color to my cheeks, but the quietude heart
Hoping there is peace to be found in your world today......
Tell me, what have you been up to?