Every little bit......

kerin rose, Japan, please help, flower photoMy heart aches for the people of Japan...in these difficult economic times, I know there is so little 'extra' to go around, but I have been inspired to give a donation to the American Red Cross... perhaps you will join me?....every little bit is like a grain of sand...gather them together and you have a beautiful beach... A good friend commented yesterday that the Earth seems "angry" at us...that there have been so many natural disasters...really huge ones in the last few years.. Katrina, Haiti, New Zealand..now this..I sometimes wonder...we are foolish creatures, we forget to respect...we forget who is really in charge.... If you cannot send a few dollars, send your spirit and heart...light a candle.....hold healing and recovery  in your thoughts....human solidarity is what we can send...strength...unity.....love namaste...holding you in my heart...K
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