How do you move forty thousand honeybees? In the back of a couple of Subarus, of course!....due to unforeseen circumstances, our bee ladies have been relocated to a friend's farm for the season...making this journey was akin to planning an espionage assignment, as a number of factors for a successful move came in to play, from the weather, to the time of day to the question of what vehicle they would fit in? Happily, the hives cleared the car roof, an we were able to tuck them in safely on a new hillock on our side of the lake. I know it does not look much like spring here in my photos, and I have to say, we were freezing our arse's off that morning, but trust me, the trees have little blooms on 'em...and the little white river lilies bear witness. I believe this will be a most excellent adventure for them, and the girls will be in the best of hands, looked over by such amazingly lovely and capable humans, and of course, Miss Cluck-Cluck the chicken and Max the dog! The morning made me think of this...so I am sharing it with you....
White Flowers by Mary Oliver