Mandala = circle = connection = cosmos...

The Human Mandala Project in Crestone from Josh Davis on Vimeo. Such beauty....and featuring the beyond lovely Rising Appalachia. They say when mandalas are seen in a dream, they represent the dreamer's search for completeness....some say we are never 'complete' ...we are always searching for something 'more' and once we find that, there is another 'thing on the list' that feels necessary...others say that you  can attain completeness when you want nothing... when you believe that the way things are is 'exactly enough', that everything is exactly as it 'should be' can feel complete if you have a sense of rightness and fullness with exactly 'what is' in this very moment, this very breath... I honestly cannot say that I do not sometimes believe the former definition, but I am striving so hard to believe the latter....I falter and fail and correct the language in my heart and mind...I keep trying.... What about you?  What makes you feel complete?    
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