after lunch at the world famous Owl Cafe.....
(green chile cheesburger AND green chile cheese fries being a MUST on the menu....I really don't usually eat this way, but legend has it that you are not a REAL New Mexican until you have eaten these and it was most necessary to
re charge my New Mexican roots....!)
We checked out some local nut and fruitstands ( jalapeno peanut brittle anyone?...yum!)
and in the back of one, along with the carved statuettes of saints and cowboys, I spied this:
I had to take some home....well, gee, they were ONLY $1.95!
just add water....and you get.....
believe me, I was completely willing to do whatever the big guy ( or gal!) said....
I cannot seem to remember the next few hours, but when I awoke I found that I had been given the official....
space alien pedicure!!!!!!