My favorite synonym for collaboration is synchronicity..yet synchronicity has a slightly different 'flavor' than two folks just working together on a piece...synchronicity also means:
order, harmony, on, and you shall learn why this is important....
When I encountered the leather work of Allison Sattinger, owner and creatrix of Sunny Rising Leather andSunny Rising Metalson Etsy I immediately wanted to work with her... (it took a loooong while to get up the nerve to ask)....on top of such prodigious talents, Allison is a singer/songwriter, budding lapidarist, kitchen goddess (meyer lemon marmalade anyone?)....most importantly, she is one of the most loving souls I have met in a long of those women
(and we all know them) who's inner light shines so brightly, it is hard to take your eyes off them....
you want to hang around, hoping some of it will rub off!
I own one of these...and cannot begin to describe what joy it gives me...and swagger and swig....when I wear mine, I AM a rockstar!
the first of our collaborative pieces is finally HERE!....
a bit about 'turtle energy'....
Through thousands of years and in many cultures, turtles have captured our imaginations. Ancient North American peoples believed that the world as rested on the turtle’s back. In some Far Eastern cultures it was believed that the turtle’s back represented Heaven and its underbelly represented Earth. The turtle symbolized the possibility of uniting Heaven and Earth within one’s own life. Sea turtles were here with the dinosaurs, survived the Ice Age, remain in our seas today and speak to us with their beautiful energy…..
Turtles naturally withdraw and go into their shells when danger is present…they know how to take care of themselves; their instincts tell them when it is time to turn away from the outside world and be self protective. Turtle carries her home on her back, and is at home within herself and her own heart. Turtle energy is innocent, as they have few predators, and is associated with the ideals of longevity, wisdom, strength, perseverance and truth. Symbolizing the element of water, wear turtle to remind your self that whatever path you are choosing, slow steady patience and going with the flow will bring great satisfaction and accomplishment over fast but flighty results.
Hand carved in beeswax and cast in recycled sterling silver on a leather cuff featuring Allison's sexy tooling style..this particular cuff will fit a wrist from 6-6.25 is at once elegant and rustic and evokes the best of the ocean.....The color was created using a resist and a tremendously rich and caramel-y saddletan....go with the flow, and remember, the good things in life are worth waiting for….
(except for this cuff, as it is one of a kind!)
Prayers for the Gulf are all over this piece: for the birds, fish, plant life and the men and women who make their livelihood in those waters.