

Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, “You owe Me.” Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the Whole Sky. -poem by...


Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, “You owe Me.” Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the Whole Sky. -poem by...

candles lit and holding my breath.....

Holding my breath...more tears from the heavens are pouring down upon us...flash flood warnings tonight...the Seven African Powers and Good Luck candles are lit your thing, send your prayers,...

candles lit and holding my breath.....

Holding my breath...more tears from the heavens are pouring down upon us...flash flood warnings tonight...the Seven African Powers and Good Luck candles are lit your thing, send your prayers,...

Henry is wishing you....

Henry is wishing you a wonderful weekend...he is off to a Hen House Hop on Saturday to explore all the ways folks are keeping chickens around here in an 'urban'...

Henry is wishing you....

Henry is wishing you a wonderful weekend...he is off to a Hen House Hop on Saturday to explore all the ways folks are keeping chickens around here in an 'urban'...


Sometimes I feel like I live in a postcard...sigh... Soon it will be time to gather the last of the sweet golden elixir my friends create and say sweet dreams...


Sometimes I feel like I live in a postcard...sigh... Soon it will be time to gather the last of the sweet golden elixir my friends create and say sweet dreams...


I shot this at the Grand Isle farmers market a few weeks ago...absolutely no photo retouching, save the matte photo framing...unbelievable artistry by nature herself!.          ...


I shot this at the Grand Isle farmers market a few weeks ago...absolutely no photo retouching, save the matte photo framing...unbelievable artistry by nature herself!.          ...

ok...I give in....

THIS  is what they call a field of weeds in Vermont...seriously!....if any of you have the chance to make it here  (I will bake you a fresh organic berry galotte...

ok...I give in....

THIS  is what they call a field of weeds in Vermont...seriously!....if any of you have the chance to make it here  (I will bake you a fresh organic berry galotte...