

  Resiliency...this word has weighed hard , rolling around in my mind endlessly  for the last few months.  I have not been present in this space for far too long,...


  Resiliency...this word has weighed hard , rolling around in my mind endlessly  for the last few months.  I have not been present in this space for far too long,...

To your health......

There is no mistaking around these parts that summer is on its way out, and in the process, our world in these parts is slowly being overtaken by shows of...

To your health......

There is no mistaking around these parts that summer is on its way out, and in the process, our world in these parts is slowly being overtaken by shows of...

This 'n that........

Hello friends!...I have missed you!  Its been a long while ( way too long if I say so myself)...summer is most definitely winding down but I have been determined to...

This 'n that........

Hello friends!...I have missed you!  Its been a long while ( way too long if I say so myself)...summer is most definitely winding down but I have been determined to...

How to grow a smudge stick......

I haven't been traveling this summer so I decided to gift myself with a shamanic painting class being given by the incomparable Pixie Campbell. I am both excited and anxious...

How to grow a smudge stick......

I haven't been traveling this summer so I decided to gift myself with a shamanic painting class being given by the incomparable Pixie Campbell. I am both excited and anxious...


I sing to the Earth, with the pluck of  each garnet   and golden jewel, a song of gratitude for such riches. Juicy. ----------------            ...


I sing to the Earth, with the pluck of  each garnet   and golden jewel, a song of gratitude for such riches. Juicy. ----------------            ...

Happy Interdependence Day!

Thank you David Suzuki.  I am, by technicality, a citizen of two countries. A member of no religious 'group' in particular. (a spiritualist, yes!). An observer and recorder of life....

Happy Interdependence Day!

Thank you David Suzuki.  I am, by technicality, a citizen of two countries. A member of no religious 'group' in particular. (a spiritualist, yes!). An observer and recorder of life....